Goal settings

Term 2 Year Wānanga Goal Setting

Name: Sophia Class:  10RB Term: 2
Greatest achievement from the last term: I would get to school more on time. Most of the time
Subjects taken this term: Hard materials and business 
1 English 
2 Social studies 
3 Maths 
4. Science 
5. P.E
What are my learning strengths? What are my learning work ons
Writing and Reading Maths
Academic Goals – Using both the Graduate Profile and the Key Competences write down 2 short-term goals you think are relevant to you for this term and then think of ones you could work on for the whole year.
1 My maths  This term I would like to work on
2 My handwriting  My second goal this term is to
Long Term (whole year):
By the end of the year, I would like to have seen

Improvement in the subjects that I wanna work on

Non-academic goal (can be out of school):
Being a better person
What will my next steps be?
To be a better person I will pray
How will I achieve this?
Im going to try and be consistiant
Wellbeing (spiritual, mental/emotional, social, and physical) – students will be asked to rank 1-4 on how they judge their wellbeing overall and state why it is there. 
                                      1                      2                        3                       4

I ranked my well-being here because


End of term 1 reflection

Thank you for reading

Percy Jackson

Hello, we have been reading Percy Jackson as a class today in English. Our teacher has been reading each chapter for us and we are now on the second chapter. Below are the questions we have to answer from Chapter 2 

Chapter 1

1. What kind of school is Yancy Academy?

private boarding school

2. What bad experiences have Percy had on past field trips?

In fifth grade, he accidentally blew up the school bus with a Revolutionary War cannon and got expelled.

3. Why can’t Percy get back at Nancy when she starts teasing Grover on the bus?

Percy is on probation so if he does anything bad, embarrassing, or mildly entertaining, he will get dead by in school.

Why doesn’t Percy get along with Mrs. Dodds?

4. When do you first suspect that something may be unusual/supernatural about Mrs. Dodds?

When she materializes right next to Percy after he gets really angry and Nancy falls into the fountain.

5. In the story about the gods and titans, who were Kronos, and what happened to him after the gods defeated him?

Zeus would chop him up and throw him into Tartarus

6. Why does Percy get angry at Mr. Brunner? How would you have felt in his position?

Percy thought that Mr. Brunner was telling him he was destined to get kicked out.

7. What do you learn about Percy’s home life as he’s watching the taxis on Fifth Avenue?

his mother lives in an apartment uptown, and he wishes he could go there to see her.

8. How does Percy get in trouble with Mrs. Dodds? Do you think it’s his fault?

because he gets so mad his mind goes blank.

9. How have things changed when Percy returns to the front steps of the museum?

They change because the class pretends that there is no Mrs. Dodds.

Chapter 2

1. Why does Percy think the whole school is playing a trick on him?

Because Mrs. Dodds disappears and no one seems to know who she is.

2. Why does Percy decide to study for the Latin exam even though he’s given up on his other subjects?

Because Mr. Brunner tells him that knowledge is the difference between life and death.

3. What leads Percy to believe that Grover and Mr. Brunner think he’s in danger?

He overhears them talking about worry about Percy’s well-being.

4. After the Latin test, what do you think Mr. Brunner was trying to say to Percy? Why does Percy react angrily to Mr. Brunner’s words?

he has potential and is special,

5. How does Percy say he’s different from the other Yancy Academy kids?

Percy is not as rich as the other kids; he also has ADHD and is dyslexic.

6. Why does Percy tell Grover he’s a terrible liar?

it is obvious that Grover lied about there being no Mrs. Dodds

7. What responsibility does Grover claim to have, and why does this strike Percy as strange?

Percy’s protector.

8. How do Percy and Grover end up on the side of the highway?

The bus breaks down.

9. How does Grover react when Percy tells him about the yarn-cutting?

Grover reacts with fear 

10. What does Percy think the yarn-cutting means? Does Grover seem to agree or not?

Grover did not actually give an answer but he looked very sad.


Chapter 3

1. Why does Percy leave Grover at the bus station? What would you have done in his place?

Because Grover was scaring him (“freaking him out”), looking at Percy like he was a dead man.

2. Percy says “The best people get the rottenest luck.” How does this apply to his mom?

despite being a good person, she encounters unfortunate circumstances

3. Describe Gabe.

selfish, vain, disrespectful, lazy, and a very impatient man.

4. Why doesn’t Percy tell his mom the truth about Mrs. Dodds and the ladies at the fruit stand?

He doesn’t want to ruin their trip to Montauk and he doesn’t want his mom to worry about him.

5. How does Percy get even with Gabe as they’re loading up the Camaro?

He makes a “warding-off-evil” gesture, a clawed hand over his heart, then a shoving motion.

6. Why is Montauk special to Percy’s mom?

it is the place where Percy’s mother and father met, making it a location of great sentimental value and the starting point of their family’s history.

7. Why does Percy’s mom eat blue food, and why does Percy love this about her?

Because Gabe said once that there was no such thing as blue food, so now she eats as much blue food as possible

8. What new information does Percy learn about his dad as he and his mother are roasting marshmallows?

his father left before he was born

9. Describe Percy’s dream. What do you think it means?

a prediction of what is going to happen in the next chapter.

10. How does the title of the chapter, “Grover Unexpectedly Loses His Pants,” come true?

Grover came so quickly to help that he forgot or lost his pants.



It’s wonderful to hear about the various engaging activities you participated in today! Each game you described offers its unique set of challenges and opportunities for growth. Firstly, with the hula hoops game, it’s great that you’re improving and finding your rhythm. Mastering coordination and synchronization with others enhances physical skills (Taha Tinana) and fosters teamwork and cooperation (Taha Whānau), as you and your peers move in sync and support each other.

The human knot game adds another layer of teamwork and problem-solving. Untangling yourselves successfully not only brings a sweet reward but also strengthens bonds within your group (Taha Whānau). The physical movement involved contributes to your overall well-being (Taha Tinana) as it encourages activity and coordination.

Moving on to the play dough game, it’s fantastic that you found joy and relaxation in creating objects related to Wa Hauora. Expressing creativity through art provides a break from routine and allows for self-expression and exploration, benefiting both your mental well-being and sense of identity (Taha Hinengaro).

Lastly, the drawing game showcases your communication skills and ability to interpret instructions. Through active listening and clear communication, you were able to translate descriptions into drawings. This not only hones your artistic skills but also strengthens your interpersonal connections (Taha Whānau) as you engage in meaningful conversations with your peers.

Overall, your participation in these diverse activities contributes positively to various aspects of your well-being (Taha Tinana, Taha Whānau, Taha Hinengaro). Keep embracing these learning experiences and enjoy the journey of growth and discovery ahead! Good luck with your future endeavors!




Today for P.E. we are working on our athletics blog and our recordings but we haven’t been able to do athletics this year because of poor weather so we are using our recordings from P.E. because of our practice session during P.E. classes. Below is a Google doc that we were told to fill out.

HHS Athletic Sports 2024 – Blog Reflection


You are to make an interesting blog reflection on athletics in term 1. Include color, pictures, and positive information. You must write at least 150 words on your post, so answers should not be 1-2 words.


I participated in these events 

Long jump High jump Shot put

Discus Sprints Long distance running  Javelin


The weather was not the best because it was raining  

I felt good when I jumped far in the long jump 

Someone that surprised me was that Kahu could throw the discus pretty far 

My friend Kate did well in the Long jump she managed to get an okay distance 

One thing that I could have done is I could have done better in the triple jump 

The highlight of my day was that I could have fresh air during P.E and it was a bit refreshing 

Next year I hope that we can actually do athletics 

Thank you all for reading.

Zombie Punnettes

To understand the principles behind Punnett squares and their application in predicting offspring traits.


  1. Select genotypes for the parent zombies.
  2. Construct Punnett squares for different zombie traits.
  3. Illustrate the most probable appearance of zombie offspring.


[Insert image]


  • Gene: A segment of DNA responsible for a specific trait.
  • Allele: Variant forms of a gene.
  • Genotype: Combination of inherited alleles.
  • Phenotype: Observable physical characteristics.



Punnett squares aid in predicting allele inheritance from parents.


Outcome Evaluation: The methodology effectively facilitated the understanding of Punnett squares.

Potential Improvements: No immediate modifications are deemed necessary based on personal assessment.

Freedom Fighters


In this blog post, I will be telling you what we will be learning about this semester.

Throughout this semester we will be learning about different countries and their stories like if they had a war happen in their country or natural disaster so far we have learned that Japan has had several huge natural disasters like tsunamis and earthquakes that has all we have been told that we will be learning by our teacher


Thank you for reading



Must know words 

Must Know words Definition
Colonization he act of taking control of an area or a country that is not your own, especially using force, and sending people from your own country to live there.
Independence the state of being free of the control of another person, country, or entity.
Empire  a group of countries or regions controlled by one ruler or government.
Passive Resistance a way of opposing the government without violence, especially by refusing to obey laws.
the action or state of setting someone or something apart from others.
“a model that perpetuates the segregation of older people”
Integration to bring together or incorporate (parts) into a whole. to make up, combine, or complete to produce a whole or a larger unit, as parts do.
Racism Racism is discrimination and prejudice against people based on their race or ethnicity. Racism can be present in social actions, practices, or political systems (e.g. apartheid) that support the expression of prejudice or aversion to discriminatory practices.
Discrimination Discrimination is the unfair or prejudicial treatment of people and groups based on characteristics such as race, gender, age, or sexual orientation. That’s the simple answer. But explaining why it happens is more complicated. The human brain naturally puts things in categories to make sense of the world.
Non-violence Resistance peaceful resistance to a government by fasting or refusing to cooperate. synonyms: nonviolence, passive resistance. types: hunger strike. a voluntary fast is undertaken as a means of protest.
Equality Equality is the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities. Equality means each individual or group of people is given the same resources and opportunities, regardless of their circumstances.
Apartheid the implementation and maintenance of a system of legalized racial segregation in which one racial group is deprived of political and civil rights.
Slums  to spend time in conditions that are much less good than the standard you are used to: We ran out of money on vacation and had to slum it in cheap hostels.



Hello readers,

Name: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Born: Porbandar, India

Place of birth: Porbandar, India

Job: Multiple types of lawyer 

Belief/Faith: No Injury to all living things, Fasting for self-purification

What did he want for India: freedom for Indians

How did he get it: Gandhi is internationally esteemed for his doctrine of nonviolent protest (satyagraha) to achieve political and social progress.

Why is he a Freedom Fighter: He is revered by most people as a great hero who liberated over 300 million Indians and defeated a great empire


My Opinion

My opinion about


The Slave triangle 

Saturday, April 10, 1869.

Rose late Mr. Shermen called on me before breakfast. I gave me money to go home with. Bought books. Heard private classes. Attended to book accounts. Finished ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin.’ Over this, I cried profusely. What heart would not melt at perceiving such woes? I believe it was providential that I did not read it before the fall of Slavery; for I might have died a martyr as Uncle Tom did.
Yesterday the Freedmen commemorated the day as the anniversary of the fall of Richmond.
The weather is cold chilly and damp. I have a fire in my room as a consequence.

Sunday, April 11. 1869

Dreary cold snowing. Afternoon attended Foreman preaching. Read a part of the day.

Monday. April 12. 1869
Nothing occurred to arrest the attention of a steady worker. Wrote Mrs. Armstead. Read a part of the autobiography of a shaker. Mr. Victor told me we must teach the colored people the n-word and also that they are n-words.’ I told him that we were doing no such thing.

Tuesday, April 13. 1869.

A cold morning again. I think the fruit is injured.
Wrote Corson & Read in Atlantic Monthly. Note by a carpetbagger in Penna. The rest of the time I taught. Rev. White visited our school today. He addressed the school.

Wednesday, April 14. 1869.

Busy till Ten O’clock at night. I was terribly fooled this evening. Mr. Schadd, a colored teacher of Phila arrived this evening. I took him to the Washington House for supper. This was refused him on account of his color. My God! What does this mean? I had an insulting letter from Maria. How do I feel? God give me grace.

Thursday, April 15. 1869.

Sent Mr. Schadd to Appomattox. Wrote Maria.

Friday, April 16. 1869.

The weather has now become warm. Neglected one of my private classes. The bad company diverted my attention. Went to Alum Springs.

Saturday, April 17. 1869.

R. S. Lacey is confirmed as the Assessor.
I was working half a day fixing my clothes. Mrs. Armistead called on me. I bought her some books. Drew $80.00 money on cigars. Wrote Bauman & Corson. Had a letter from Corson and one from Mrs. M. R. Rile. Wrote Mrs. Lanning Cookwell Va.


6th of march

Today In class we just added to our keywords and watched a couple of videos about schools that had an only white school and the fact that Mr Brown won against schools like that


Rosa Parks 

Name: Rosa Parks

Born: U.S

Place of birth: Tuskegee, Alabama, U.S.

Job: dressmaker 


believed in freedom and she believed that we should all be treated the same.

What did she want for America: schools and housing

How did she go about getting it:

She refused to give up her bus seat to a white man in Montgomery, Alabama and started a Montgomery Bus boycott 

Why Is she a freedom fighter: 

She fought for equal rights.


Hello, today in Social Studies we have been working on the Birmingham Campaign and answering some questions about it down below I will put our answers and questions.

The Birmingham Campaign 


  1. Who was Martin Luther King?

         Martin Luther King Jr. was an American Christian minister, activist


      2. Who was Eugene “Bull” Connor?

           Connor was an American politician who served as Commissioner of Public Safety 


      3. Why did the Civil Rights campaigners choose Birmingham?

       In the early 1960s, Birmingham was one of the most racially divided cities in the United States, enforced both legally and culturally


      4. What were the local aims of the Birmingham Campaign?

       These goals included the desegregation of Birmingham’s downtown stores, fair hiring


     5. What were the national aims of the Birmingham Campaign?

      The Birmingham campaign, also known as the Birmingham movement or Birmingham Confrontation, was an American movement  organized in early 1963 by  the Southern Christian Leadership Conference


    6. What happened in Phase 1?

    12 April – King was arrested along with other leaders 

    20 April – King was released to find that the movement was  losing    steam, they needed to get more people marching


       7. What did the SCLC do to get the movement going again?

       boycotts, marches, and other forms of nonviolent protest


     8. What happened to the protesters during Phase 2?

     Protesters were injured as the water pushed them to the ground, crashing them into buildings and each other

     Police dogs were also used, biting the marchers


     9. What happened in Birmingham as a result of the campaign? (list three)

     to burnished King’s reputation, ousted Connor from his job, forced desegregation in Birmingham and directly paved the way for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which prohibited racial discrimination in hiring practices and public services throughout the United States.


   10. What did this teach the campaigners?

It burnished King’s reputation, ousted Connor from his job, forced desegregation in Birmingham, and directly paved the way for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which prohibited racial discrimination in hiring practices and public services throughout the United States.


Name: Martian Luther King Jr.

Born: Atlanta

Place of birth: Atlanta, Georgia

Death/When:  shot and mortally wounded as he stood on the second-floor balcony outside his room at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tenn.

Job: American prime minister and activist

Belief/Faith: Christian faith

Who inspired him and how?

Inspired by Mahatma Gandhi’s model of nonviolent resistance, King believed that peaceful protest for civil rights would lead to sympathetic media coverage and public opinion.

What did he want for America?

end segregation and counter prejudice

How did he go about getting it?

His adoption of nonviolent resistance to achieve equal rights for Black Americans 

How was he a freedom fighter 

King was a freedom fighter, fearlessly speaking out against racial and economic injustice, even when those arguments made people uncomfortable. “On the night before he was murdered, Dr. King articulated a powerful reminder to the country that Black Americans were only asking for a just position in this society


Martin Luther King Jr. was a fearless advocate for civil rights, boldly addressing racial and economic injustices that others shied away from. He spoke out against racial segregation and economic disparities, even when his words made people uncomfortable. “On the night before his tragic assassination, Dr. King delivered a poignant reminder to the nation that Black Americans were simply seeking fair treatment and equality within society.

Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered the “I Have a Dream” speech. Originally conceived by renowned labor leader A. Phillip Randolph and Roy Wilkins, Executive Secretary of the NAACP, the March on Washington evolved into a collaborative effort among major civil rights groups and icons.


Name: Nelson Mandela iqa8

Born: 18 July 1918

Place of Birth: Mvezo in Umtata, then part of South Africa’s Cape Province

Job: security guard on a gold mine and then as a legal clerk in the law firm Witkin, Edelman, and Sidelsky

Belief/Faith: an unshakeable belief in the equality of all people

What did he want for South Africa?  improved the living standards and facilities of South Africa’s black population,

How did he go about getting it? – Actions  when he joined the African National Congress (ANC) in 1944

Why is he a Freedom Fighter? 

His government focused on dismantling the legacy of apartheid by fostering racial reconciliation. Ideologically an African nationalist and socialist, he served as the African National Congress (ANC) party president from 1991 to 1997. A Xhosa, Mandela was born into the Thembu royal family in Mvezo, South Africa. 


Hello, today in social studies we have been working on the Parihaka and the slide we have been assigned so I will put below what I have done for it.

Connection to Christchurch


Research & Answer: What is the connection of Parihaka to Christchurch? Hint: put this FQ into your search browser!

Copy and paste the link where you found your answer in the box below.



In November 1881, government troops invaded the Māori settlement of Parihaka in Taranaki to stop protests against land confiscations. Over 1,500 armed constables arrested many people, including leaders Te Whiti o Rongomai and Tohu Kākahi. Te Whiti and Tohu were imprisoned in Christchurch without a trial and treated as curiosities. They were released in March 1883 and returned to Taranaki

Link to resource: link


Q: Is this resource a Primary or Secondary source?


A: Secondary It was written in 2016 



My Research assessment

For social studies, we have been working on a research assessment and I’m very grateful that we have actually been given a lot of extra time so I will put my slideshow down below the research project that I have chosen to work on is the woman suffrage movement to be exact I pick the Seneca falls convention. Please comment below if you guys have any feedback about my work. 🙂

Thank you.


Name: Polynesian Panthers Party

Location: New Zealand

What did they want for New Zealand:  They wanted racial equality

How did they go about getting it – actions: They did protests

what are they classed as freedom fighters: They fought for equality


DNA Extraction


The aim of this experiment?:

We did this because we had to get the DNA from the experiment

The Method of the DNA Extraction:

Video of DNA extraction

  1. Mash some bananas (no skin) in a zip-lock bag with a splash of water and a small teaspoon of salt.
  2. Strain the solution through a cloth into a beaker.
  3. Add a squirt of dishwashing liquid and stir.
  4. Pour into a test tube.
  5. Place the test tube in a beaker filled with WARM water.
  6. Leave for 10mins. 
  7. Slowly pour 5mL of ethanol down the inside of the test tube.


I learned how to extract DNA from a banana and I learned that ethanol is used in some medicines

Some real-life uses are

  1. Blood.
  2. Skin Cells
  3. Teeth

Thank you for reading my blog post thank you!!

Pollution in our oceans


For the past week, our class has been working on an assessment that is about the pollution in our ocean. I have put my work below thank you for reading.

Pollution in our ocean


Ocean pollution is a pressing global issue that demands immediate and sustained attention. The harmful consequences of contamination in our oceans extend far beyond the aquatic environment, affecting not only marine ecosystems but also our community and the planet at large. One of the biggest contributors to this crisis is plastic waste, which annually disposes millions of tons of non-biodegradable materials into the world’s oceans, putting our marine life and ecological composure in danger. Furthermore, oil spills and chemical pollution from industrial activities pose additional threats, causing long-term damage to marine beings and habitats. The responsibility for addressing this environmental disaster rests upon all of us, demanding collaborative efforts from individuals, communities, governments, and industries. By exploring the challenges of ocean pollution and advocating for workable solutions, we can ensure a healthier future for our oceans and for generations yet to come.


A Risk to Marine Life
Plastic pollution represents a significant and rapid concern, specified by the aimless disposal of plastic products into the oceans. The survival of plastics in marine environments, often passing hundreds of years, means that they keep endangering marine life. Animals, such as sea turtles, seabirds, and marine creatures, mistakenly digest plastic debris or become stuck in it, resulting in severe consequences. The disturbance of the marine food chain and ecosystem balance is an actual threat to the ocean’s overall health. Reducing this crisis means mixed approaches that include reducing single-use plastics, common recycling capabilities, and concerted efforts to prevent plastic waste from entering the oceans.

Oil Spills: Destruction of Marine Ecosystems

Accidental oil spills mainly come from shipping accidents and offshore drilling incidents present another alarming challenge. These spills coat marine life with toxic oil, damaging their mobility and survival. Also, these events contaminate vital habitats, making them unsuitable for raising and eating. In order to reduce the risk of oil spills, the companies of stricter regulatory structure for shipping and drilling activities, as well as the development of advanced spill response and cleanup technologies, is key. These measures are critical in protecting the oceans from further harm.

Chemical Pollution: A Looming Threat

Chemical pollution arising from factory wastes, farming overflow, and unsuitable discarding practices threaten marine beings and ecosystems. Creatures that disturb the reproductive systems of marine life and cause long-term, often irreversible damage to the diversity of life. To counter this danger, strict environmental regulations must be put in place and strictly applied. Encouraging liveable farming practices and responsible disposal of chemicals, along with the acceptance of cleaner technologies, is essential to protect marine environments and secure the sustainable health of our oceans.

Collective Action: The Path Forward

Confronting ocean pollution is a shared responsibility that requires shared action. Raising global awareness about the crisis and recommending inclusive and strict rules is a needed first step. Communities, governments, companies, and so on must collaborate to promote livable practices and technologies. By pushing research on marine life and pollution impacts, supporting marine saving organizations, and establishing marine protected areas, the global community can make serious pace toward protecting our oceans.


In summary, ocean pollution, fueled by plastic waste, oil spills, and chemical contamination, demands immediate and collaborative action. Plastic pollution disrupts marine ecosystems, threatening biodiversity. Oil spills coat marine life with toxic substances, necessitating stricter regulations and advanced cleanup technologies. Chemical pollution poses long-term risks, urging stringent environmental measures and cleaner technologies.

Addressing this crisis requires a united effort from individuals, communities, and industries. Global awareness, inclusive regulations, sustainable practices, and support for conservation efforts are key. By prioritizing cleaner oceans, we secure a sustainable future for all. “Protecting oceans, safeguarding life – united for a sustainable tomorrow



Today in our homeroom class we have to write about how much sleep we need and how much the majority of us sleep, and the amount that we should be sleeping

  • Reading a book
  • Showering
  • Listening to music 
  • Family time
  • Mindful activities like yoga etc
  • Screen time (watching TV, social media)

Teens tend to go to bed later and want to wake up later. This is biologically driven by a shift forward in their circadian rhythm, their internal “body clock” that guides daily sleep-wake cycles.

Many parents think that their children have been oversleeping but in reality, only about 11% of kids actually get their needed amount of sleep 


  • The brain grows and is better 
  • Dreaming like lucid dreaming 
  • Good mental health 
  • Repairs your body organs and health 


  • Tired
  • Short-tempered 
  • Grumpy and lazy
  • Poor mental health
  • Depressed 
  • Headaches 

Challenge: Give your eye and brain a break. Put down your phone 1 hr before bed